Moon Bleeds: Celebration or Curse?

Every twenty eight days, the Moon replenishes itself. Every twenty eight days, a woman’s womb replenishes itself. Wow!  Someone please let me know why they are connected, but until then, I can understand why a woman’s menstruation in primitive days was feared.  Did those early humans think the Moon was so powerful that it somehow […]

Writing Workshop: Why Self-publish?

I am often asked this question. Because I’m stubborn and terribly independent. There, I said it! I considered using the mainstream publishing world. That is until I researched it more and had a few run-ins with them. It made me step back..way back..and think, why am I needing them? Yes, a handful of years ago, […]

Welcome to my Blog! Come on in and sit a spell! This is where I will jot down thoughts about writing, about my books, and about the odd and interesting aspects of life. In the Moonchild’s Prophecy and Willow’s Moonsong categories, you will learn more about my books and find special offerings. The Writing Workshop […]