
The Magic of Snow

There is something special about snow falling. Falling soft and light as it is right now outside my window. Archer Atwood Books News: 2025: Episode 1 Snow               Oh, how I feel bad for kids who have never experienced building a snowman, or wake to find out school is canceled due to a snowfall that they will soon go out and play in. Who never got to sled down a big hill on a piece of plastic or wood that you have very little control over and may end up in a hidden thorny ...
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Inside the Willow’s Moon Song Series: Miss Moon

Nestled in a small New England town resembling a mini castle, is the Willow Library. There you will find Miss Moon behind her stacks of old leather bound books and beneath her jungle of hanging plants. Many have sought her wisdom. Many destinies she has steered. Who is the Librarian known as Miss Moon? Her origins are unclear. She mentioned to Diana in Moonlit Meadow: “I am a Guardian, a Comet Rider, a Dream Spinner.” What does that mean?? As you noticed the books in the series are based on Comet Years. What comet? Is that how old Miss Moon ...
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Artist to Artist Advice: How to Protect Your Art With an Image Inventory

Now more than ever we need to have a record of our art and prove that we created it from scratch and from our imagination. A few years ago I received the advice to make a detailed inventory and record of each painting/item I created. And do it now. I confess, I was having more fun creating than doing record keeping. Then with the explosion of social media and now the wide spread use of AI, I got my act together and started on my inventory. I have worked hard on my art, I don’t want anyone else profiting from ...
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Writing Workshop: How to Set Up Your Author Book Signing Table and Display

A book signing event can be exciting and chaotic for a participating author. You may be alone in a bookstore, or in a small event with a few authors, or be one of two hundred crowded into a hotel ballroom. How do you stand out from the crowd? Start with imagining your assigned table as a storefront window enticing passersby. You need to have your message/name visible from across the room. You need to have your product (books) displayed in a pleasing and informative way. Once you draw them closer to your table, you need to create an atmosphere around ...
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Cover Story for Warrior Queens by Archer Atwood

  How did I decide and create the final cover of “Warrior Queens”? It was a process… Deciding on a cover illustration can be a matter of trial and error until it clicks in your mind. The first incarnation of “Warrior Queens” had a photograph for a cover and that just did not sit right. The story is original and from the author’s imagination, the covers should be unique, too.       I played with a few ideas for the cover with more stylistic approaches. I still like them, but they didn’t strike that right cord with me.   ...
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Fun Facts and Odd Trivia for the Month of October

Happy October!! When you think of October you may imagine brightly colored leaves, carved Jack O’Lanterns, candles in lanterns, spooky cemeteries, witches on broomsticks, or kids in costumes. You may think of partaking of cider and donuts while you slip into your first warm sweater of the season. Such a fun month! Drawing from all those scenes, sensations and experiences, I will share my love of October with you by sharing fun and weird facts all month. Keep Scrolling down each day for more! Which Witch? If you lived during the 1600s, do you think someone could have accused you ...
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